We live and work in a technology-driven society, which offers opportunities and challenges, especially when it comes to communication.
Most of us spend a good portion of the day sifting through emails and responding to text messages. Property managers are no different. But, most property management companies in Colorado Springs have invested in systems and platforms that keep communication more transparent, responsive, and accountable.
At Muldoon Associates, we value communication, and we believe that being a local and innovative property management company allows us to communicate effectively with our owners and our tenants. When you’re choosing your property management partner, make sure they’re prepared to communicate in a way that works well for you.
Here’s what you should expect when it comes to communicating with your Colorado Springs property manager.
Expect Communication to Lead to Better Relationships
Good relationships require good communication. We work hard at building trust with our owners and our tenants. This is important because our owners need to know that we’ll keep them informed and make smart decisions about their investments. Our tenants need to feel secure calling us when there’s a repair that’s needed or because a rent payment is going to be a few days late.
Your property manager must nurture relationships by sharing expectations and discussing responsibilities. Everyone needs to be on the same page if you’re going to have a successful rental experience. Expect your property manager to share their expectations, and don’t be afraid to introduce your own.
Expect Online Portals and Automated Communication
Communicating online is easy and swift and efficient. You can send and respond to emails in the middle of the night or while you’re traveling. Property managers typically invest in software programs that allow for online portals, providing tenants and owners with the ability to communicate with their management team.
We communicate this way when it’s the best way to answer a question, confirm something’s been done, or attach a document that needs to be seen. We use email and messaging and social media platforms. We ensure our website is an easy place for owners and tenants to come for information. We provide online rental payments and application processing. We embrace all of this technology in pursuit of better communication.
Make sure your property manager is willing to invest in good technology and make it part of their communication platform. This is not an unusual expectation.
Communication Systems Make a Difference
Good property management requires systems. We have systems for applying for a property, systems for collecting rent from tenants, and systems for paying you. There’s a procedure for maintenance requests, and a 24/7 line that tenants know to use for emergencies. When you have consistent systems in place and everyone knows what to expect, communication is a lot easier.
You should expect your property manager to communicate with you as frequently or as infrequently as you’d like. Some owners want to check in every month. Others don’t want to be bothered unless there’s something wrong. Make sure your management company understands your preferences.
We’re here to help you communicate better. If you have any questions, please contact us at Muldoon Associates. We provide Pueblo property management in Colorado Springs and surrounding areas in Pueblo County and El Paso County.